Merton Cricket Club
13 Jan 2023
2023 AGM TOMORROW - Updates and Agenda.
Happy Friday, Mertonians!
The 2023 Annual General Meeting is now less than 24 hours away. It takes place at the Clubhouse for those wanting to attend in person, and online via Zoom for those wanting to attend remotely. It is the most important meeting of the year, as the Committee that will guide the club through the next twelve months will be formed.
As a quick aside, the annual membership rate will be set on the night, and so from Sunday, January 15th you will be able to pay your membership into the club; an email will be sent on Sunday will all the details from the AGM.Â
Also, the email featuring the Doodle booking poll for indoor nets will land in email inboxes tomorrow at 5pm - so do look out for that. It's first come first served, and attendance capped at 30 per two-hour session.